Lowell High School in San Francisco, CA
(09-12 • Public • Regular School)

Address 1101 Eucalyptus Dr.
San Francisco, CA 94132
Telephone (415) 759-2730
(make sure to verify first before calling) City-data.com school rating 99 Students 2,685 Classroom Teachers (FTE) 130.1 National School Lunch
Program (NSLP) Status No Free lunch eligible students 759 Reduced-price lunch
eligible students 308 School district San Francisco Unified Charter school No Title I status Not a Title I school Magnet School Indicator No Shared Time Indicator Missing Adult education offered No

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This school rating compared to other nearby schools ratings: Lowell High School rating compared to average state, county and city schools ratings:

Students & Teachers

Total enrollment:

Enrollment in 2016: 2,685
Enrollment in 2015: 2,718
Enrollment in 2014: 2,696
Enrollment in 2013: 2,648
Enrollment in 2012: 2,632
Enrollment in 2011: 2,580
Enrollment in 2010: 2,597
Enrollment in 2009: 2,638
Enrollment in 2008: 2,563
Enrollment in 2007: 2,671
Enrollment in 2006: 2,623
Enrollment in 2005: 2,592
Enrollment in 2004: 2,570
Enrollment in 2003: 2,576
Enrollment in 2002: 2,563
Enrollment in 2001: 2,506
Enrollment in 2000: 2,535
Enrollment in 1999: 2,527

Lowell High School - Historical enrollment

Enrollment by grade, gender and race:
(Note: Details may not add to totals. School year: 2015-2016)
All students6406906866692,685
Female students3723834164071,578
Male students2683072702621,107
American Indian/Alaska Native students21418
Asian students4094584284411,736
Hispanic students56726870266
Black students99141850
White students11610010884408
Hawaiian Native/Pacific Islander students656724
Two or More Races students42455848193

Enrollment by grade:

9th grade enrollment: 640
10th grade enrollment: 690
11th grade enrollment: 686
12th grade enrollment: 669

Lowell High School - Historical enrollment by grade

Enrollment by gender:
(State average from 12,430 schools)
Female enrollment: 1,578 (58.8%) Male enrollment: 1,107 (41.2%)

Lowell High School - Historical enrollment by gender

Enrollment by race/ethnicity:
(State average from 12,430 schools)
American Indian/Alaska Native enrollment: 8 (0.3%) Asian enrollment: 1,736 (64.7%) Hispanic enrollment: 266 (9.9%) Black enrollment: 50 (1.9%) White enrollment: 408 (15.2%) Hawaiian Native/Pacific Islander enrollment: 24 (0.9%) Two or More Races enrollment: 193 (7.2%)

Lowell High School - Historical enrollment by race/ethnicity

Lunch Program Eligibility:
(State average from 10,111 schools)
Free/reduced-price lunch eligible students: 1,067 (39.7%) Free lunch eligible students: 759 (28.3%) Reduced-price lunch eligible students: 308 (11.5%)

Lowell High School - Lunch Program Eligibility

Teachers and support:
(State average from 12,394 schools)

Classroom Teachers (FTE): 130.1

Number of FTE teachers in their first year of teaching: 6
Number of FTE teachers in their second year of teaching: 5
Number of FTE school counselors: 8
Number of FTE teachers who were absent more than 10 school days during the school years: 18
Number of FTE security guards: 5.3
Number of FTE social workers: 1

Student/Teacher Ratio

Lowell High School - Teachers (FTE) and pupil/teacher ratio

School Expenditures:
Limited English Proficiency:

Students Enrolled in LEP Programs

Students Enrolled in LEP Programs

Students with disabilities:

Students with Disabilities (IDEA): Students with intellectual disabilities; hearing impairment, including deafness; speech or language impairment; visual impairment, including blindness; serious emotional disturbance; orthopedic impairment; autism; traumatic brain injury; developmental delay; other health impairment; specific learning disability; deaf-blindness; or multiple disabilities and who, by reason thereof, receive special education and related services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) according to an Individualized Education Program, Individual Family Service Plan, or service plan. The "Students with Disabilities (IDEA)" column in the survey items always refers to students with disabilities who receive special education and related services under IDEA.

Students with Disabilities (Section 504 only): Students with a disability, who receive related aids and services solely under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, and not under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). The "Section 504 only" column in the survey items always refers to students with disabilities who receive related aids and services under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, and not under IDEA.