How To Program A GE Universal Remote (Even Without Codes)

GE universal remote on chair

You can benefit from a universal remote if you have multiple devices powering your entertainment setup, as you won't need to fumble with many controllers. The GE universal remote is one of the most popular of these remotes, as it can connect to almost anything from Blu-ray players, smart TVs, and big-name television brands such as Sony and Samsung. However, this controller can only connect to a set number of devices simultaneously. If you are having trouble connecting to a new device, this may be what's causing your issue. If you are unsure if the device cap has been met, you can sever all the connections by resetting the controller.


To reset the controller to factory settings, follow these steps:

  1. Hold the Setup button down until the red indicator light on the controller shines, then release it.
  2. Press the Mute button once.
  3. Push the #0 key on the controller.

The red light will then flash twice to signify the controller has reset. If the light does not show up, your controller may be faulty, or you need to replace your batteries.

How to program your remote with a code

Person watching tv with popcorn and controller in hand

Connecting a GE universal remote to a device is a simple and universal process among all remote models if you know the device's code. The first step in locating the code is to note the vendor code that is found under the battery compartment of your remote. It is a three-character code that starts with CL followed by a number. With that in hand, you can find the code for your device in your controller's included Code List or by searching an online database such as Universalremotereviews' page. The code will be listed under your device's manufacturer and controller vendor code. There may be multiple codes, so note all the ones you find for your device. Once you have everything, here's how to continue.

  1. Hold down the Setup button on the controller until the red indicator light illuminates, then let go.
  2. Locate the device button on the controller corresponding to the device you want to connect. The options will be TV, CBL, DVD, and AUX. Press down the one you need, and the red light will blink once.
  3. Input the four-digit code for your device using the number pad on the remote.

Check to see if the device is set up correctly. If it is not, repeat the process using one of the other codes listed for your device if there were multiple.

How to do it without a code

person laying on bed aiming controller at screen

Leonard Mclane/Getty Images

If you can't locate the code for your device, you can connect to it using the Auto Code Search function. The steps to perform this are listed below.

  1. Ensure the device you want to connect to is on.
  2. Hold the Setup button on the controller until the red light turns on.
  3. Press either TV, DVD, AUX, or CBL on the controller, depending on what type of device you are trying to control. The red light will then flash once.
  4. Aim the controller at the device and press the power button once. This sends 10 codes to the device for it to try, with each code sent resulting in the red light blinking.
  5. If the device gets turned off at some point during the 10 blinks, go to the next step. If nothing happens, repeat the previous step until the device turns off.
  6. Turn the device back on.
  7. Aim the remote at the device and press the VOL + button.
  8. After the red light blinks once, if the device is turned off, press the device button you selected in step three. If it doesn't turn off, repeat the previous step until it finds the right code and turns off. Once found, press the device button to select the code.

Once the process has been completed, you should check to see if the controller works with the device. If it does control the device, the code has been successfully stored in the controller.