Frequently asked questions

We've put together responses to the common questions UNHCR receives to help you find the information you need.

Are you a refugee, asylum-seeker or stateless person looking for help?

Visit our HELP site for direct contact details for your local country or context, as well as information on asylum procedures, legal assistance, education and other services.

A man writes on a blackboard.

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Facts, figures and terminology

What is a refugee?

Under international law, a refugee is someone who is forced to flee their home country to escape persecution or a serious threat to their life, physical integrity or freedom. This may be linked to their race, religion, nationality, political beliefs or membership of a social group. But also to situations of conflict, violence or public disorder. Refugees are protected by international law and cannot be sent back home if their life or freedom would be at risk.

How many refugees are there worldwide?

There are 43.4 million refugees across the world and around 40 per cent of them are children under the age of 18. The total number of displaced people worldwide is 117.3 million. This includes not only refugees but also asylum-seekers and people displaced inside their own countries.

Where do refugees go?

Of the world’s refugees and other people in need of international protection, 75 per cent are hosted by low- or middle-income countries.

Colombia, Germany, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Pakistan and Türkiye hosted nearly 2 in 5 of the world’s refugees and other people in need of international protection.

What is the difference between refugees and migrants?

Refugees are defined and protected in international law. Refugees are people outside their country of origin because of feared persecution, conflict, violence, or other circumstances that have seriously disturbed public order, and who, as a result, require ‘international protection’.

The term ‘migrant’, on the other hand, is not defined under international law and is sometimes used differently by different stakeholders. Traditionally, the word ‘migrant’ has been used to designate people who move by choice rather than to escape conflict or persecution, usually across an international border. This can include finding work or pursuing an education, but also for reuniting with family or other reasons. People may also move to alleviate significant hardships that arise from natural disasters, famine, or extreme poverty. Those who leave their countries for these reasons would not usually be considered refugees under international law.

What is an asylum-seeker?

An asylum-seeker is a person who is applying (or preparing to apply) for asylum in another country to seek international protection. A final determination of the protection need, however, has not yet been made for such persons. While not every asylum-seeker will ultimately be recognized as a refugee, an asylum-seeker may not be sent back to their country of origin pending a final determination.

What is refugee resettlement?

Refugees cannot go home as long as conflict or persecution puts their lives at risk. But sometimes they are still unsafe in the country to which they fled. Resettlement is the selection and transfer of refugees to a third country, which agrees to admit them as refugees with permanent residence status, ensuring protection against refoulement and providing resettled refugees and their dependants with access to rights similar to those of nationals. Resettlement also carries the opportunity to eventually become a naturalized citizen.

What is statelessness?

Statelessness refers to the condition of being stateless. A person is stateless when no State recognizes this person as a national according to the operation of the State's law. Stateless people often face significant challenges accessing basic rights. For example, a stateless person often isn't allowed to go to school, see a doctor, get a job, open a bank account, buy a house or get married.

Three girls in colorful headscarves smile for the camera.

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How to help refugees

How can I help refugees?
  1. Volunteer with a refugee organization near you. You could offer your skills to teach refugees a language, craft, or sport.
  2. Help refugees get work. Hire a refugee, support a refugee-owned business or offer training or volunteer opportunities to refugees.
  3. Become a supporter and advocate! Join a campaign that raises awareness about refugee issues and shows solidarity.
  4. Help refugees integrate. Show them your hometown, invite them to activities like watching football together or having dinner.
  5. Donate. It might not feel very hands-on to you, but your donation will make a huge difference in the life of a refugee.
How can I volunteer for UNHCR?

To find volunteer opportunities with UNHCR, contact your nearest local office.

To volunteer within the wider United Nations system, consider becoming a UN Volunteer. UN Volunteers are qualified and highly motivated individuals who undertake volunteer assignments with UN agencies. These assignments may be online, in an individual's own country or abroad. Depending on the category of assignment, different minimum age requirements apply: from 18 years for UN Youth Volunteers up to a minimum of 35 years for UN Expert Volunteers.

How can I get help if I am a refugee, asylum-seeker or stateless person?

If you are a refugee, asylum-seeker or stateless person and looking for information on where to find help, please visit UNHCR's HELP site (

Two UNHCR staff members

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About UNHCR's work

What does UNHCR do?

UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is a global organization working to save lives, protect rights and build a better future for refugees, internally displaced communities and stateless people. We work to ensure that everybody has the right to seek asylum and find refuge from violence or persecution.

Where does UNHCR work?

UNHCR staff in 136 countries are working to ensure the protection of people forced to flee, strengthen access to education and livelihoods, and provide life-saving support like shelter, water, food and health care. UNHCR partners with governments, non-profit organizations and private-sector companies to support forcibly displaced people and the communities hosting them.

How is UNHCR funded?

UNHCR relies almost entirely on voluntary contributions. Individual governments and the European Union provide 80 per cent of our budget. Another 15 per cent comes from individuals and the private sector, including foundations, corporations and the public. Even so, UNHCR typically receives just over half the money it needs each year.

What does “UNHCR” stand for?

UNHCR stands for United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, also known as the UN Refugee Agency. It was created in 1950 to help millions of Europeans who had fled or lost their homes during the Second World War. Today, UNHCR protects and assists millions of displaced and stateless people around the world.

How does UNHCR protect refugees?

We protect and assist refugees in many different ways. In emergencies, we provide physical protection from violence, individual documentation, counseling and the most basic needs, like shelter, water, food, health care. We also try to safeguard their fundamental human rights in their countries of asylum, including by supporting their integration in national programmes and services. Longer-term, we work to ensure that refugees won’t be sent back against their will to a country where they could face persecution. We also support them to resettle in third countries or repatriate voluntarily to their homeland when it is safe.

What is World Refugee Day?

World Refugee Day is held on 20 June each year. It is an international day designated by the United Nations to showcase the rights, needs, hopes and contributions of refugees throughout the world.

How do I find a job with UNHCR?

Visit UNHCR’s Careers Portal to find information about current job opportunities, including staff positions, consultancies and temporary appointments.

How do I find an internship with UNHCR?

Internships at UNHCR are offered at various locations depending on the needs and capacity of offices to receive and supervise interns and provide them with meaningful assignments. An internship can begin at any time during the year and lasts typically two to six months.

What policies does UNHCR have in place to protect people from sexual harassment, exploitation and abuse?

Tackling sexual exploitation and abuse against the people we serve, together with sexual harassment in the workplace, is a top priority for UNHCR. Our position is clear and has been reiterated on a number of occasions by our High Commissioner: sexual misconduct is unjustifiable and must be eradicated from UNHCR operations.

UNHCR has a well-established, effective safeguarding team, with a global remit, which includes the Inspector General's Office, the Ethics Office, the Legal Affairs Service and the Staff Welfare Services, among others.

A mother holds her young son inside a UNHCR shelter. Both smile for the camera.

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Donating to UNHCR

At UNHCR, we strive to give our donors the best experience possible.

If you have a question about donating to UNHCR or changing your current donation, please read our FAQs below.

How can I make a donation?

Thank you for considering donating to help refugees, asylum-seekers and stateless people in need. The support of people like you makes the work of UNHCR possible.

The easiest way to donate is through our online form at the following web address: We accept all major credit cards and PayPal.

We also offer additional donation methods, including by direct bank transfer or written cheque.

Donate via bank transfer

If you would like to donate by bank transfer, please use the following bank account details:

Account number: Please select the IBAN corresponding to the currency you are paying with from the list below, and use the last 9 digits of that IBAN.
Beneficiary: UNHCR Voluntary Funds #2 account
Address: UBS AG, PO Box 8098, Zurich, Switzerland
Clearing number: 240
Description: UNHCR Donation
IBAN: Kindly note the different IBAN for each currency below:

Please include your contact details (email and phone number) when proceeding with the transfer so we can confirm receiving your gift and communicate with you properly.

Donate via cheque

Please send a cheque to the following address:

Private Sector Fundraising
Case Postale 2500
CH-1211 Genève 2 Dépôt
Note/Description: UNHCR HQ Cheque Donation

Should you have any questions or need further assistance, please email our Donor Care team on [email protected] .

How can I donate money to a specific country, project or emergency situation?

We always ask our supporters to first consider making an unrestricted donation to UNHCR, as your gift can then go where it's most needed.

Can I make small donations of clothes, blankets, foods or toys?

As much as we appreciate the generosity of supporters who want to donate non-monetary items, unfortunately, UNHCR does not accept small-scale in-kind donations. For our organization, the logistics of collecting such items from many different locations and sending them to refugee camps would not be efficient. We continue to encourage cash donations as this is one of the most effective ways to provide protection and shelter to refugees.

I want to donate stocks or products to UNHCR. What details should I provide?

Please fill out our contact form and provide the following information:

  1. Name and address of your company
  2. Item description
  3. Technical specification
  4. Quantities (approximate figure, with sizes if applicable and potential timing for multiple gifts)
  5. Constraints on destination
  6. Confirmation willingness and ability to arrange transport
  7. How soon can an item be available to be shipped to UNHCR?
  8. Where will the item be shipped from?
How can I update my profile or make changes to my donation?

Please fill out our contact form, and we will be happy to update your preferences and make changes to your monthly donations.

How can I receive a statement for tax purposes?

If you donate through one of our country offices where donations are tax-deductible, please contact one of our national affiliates. If you need further assistance, please fill out our contact form.

What should I do if I am experiencing problems trying to make an online donation?

If you face a technical issue with your donation, please fill out our contact form. Most technical problems involving online donations can be identified and resolved if you let us know:

  1. The URL of the page you had difficulties with
  2. The type of card you tried to use
  3. The amount, currency and type of your donation (one-off or monthly)
  4. The date when you tried to make a donation.
How can I request a refund for my donation?

Our supporters are incredibly important to us. With your support, we are able to help people forced to flee their homes looking for safety.

Generally, a donation to UNHCR is, like all charitable donations, not refundable. Decisions on refunds will be made on a case-by-case basis after analysis of the particular circumstances of the donation. Please check our Online Donation Refund Policy page for more information on when exemptions apply.

How do I unsubscribe from a mailing list?

If you would like to stop receiving email updates from UNHCR, click on the unsubscribe link at the footer of all our emails. As we are constantly looking for ways to improve our communication, you can also leave a comment to tell us why you do not want to receive emails any longer. It helps us make our communication more relevant.

How can I stop receiving paper communications by mail?

If you live in the USA and would like to stop receiving physical materials in the mail, please contact the Donor Care team at USA for UNHCR.

If you live in any other country, please contact your local UNHCR national partner office. You can view the list of UNHCR national partners and find links to their websites on our national partners page.

How do I know if a UNHCR donation page is official and not a fake page set up by scammers?

Scammers regularly try to take advantage of the plight of people forced to flee by asking for money through fake online donation pages. Those pages look and speak like UNHCR and claim to support refugees, migrants and other people in urgent need. But money donated through such pages lands in the hand of scammers.

It can be difficult to judge if a donation page is real or fake. Here are a few good tips:

If you have doubts whether a donation page is official or not, do not donate on that page. Instead, leave that page and go to an official UNHCR website. All donation options on the official UNHCR website are always legitimate.

To visit an official UNHCR website:

If you see a suspicious donation web page, social media post or email that is fraudulently representing UNHCR, please report it to us.